Asian Chemical Society (AChemS), representing all branches of the Chemical sciences throughout world such as Organic & Inorganic Chemicals, Plastics & Petrochemicals & Petroleum Refineries, Dyestuffs & Dye-intermediates, Fertilizers & Pesticides, Specialty Chemicals, Paints etc.
The AChemS was formed to broadly serve the following objectives:
- To organize workshops and conferences in different cities and regions throughout world.
- To forge a synergistic relationship between academia, industry and research centres for mutual benefit.
- To extend and maintain international liaison.
- To encourage work studies, research, investigations & experiments.
- To promote Responsible Care initiative under the structured approach to self-regulations.
- The cultivation and promotion of chemistry and of kindred branches of science.
- To co-operate with other organizations having similar objects.
Activities of AChemS include organizing various seminars and events for dissemination of information, safety, health and environment issues.